array ov = s->query("select id from object_versions"); foreach(ov; ; mapping v) { mixed err = catch(s->query("select contents from object_versions where id=:id", ([":id":(int)v[""]]))); if(err) // ah, a row with a problem. let's fix it... { werror("failed to fetch id %dn", (int)v[""]); mixed t = s->query("select CAST(contents as blob) as v from object_versions where id=:id", ([":id":(int)v[""]])); s->query("update object_versions set contents=:contents where id=:id", ([":id":(int)v["" , ":contents": t[0]["object_versions.v"]])); } }
object x = Protocols.XMLRPC.Client("http://localhost:8081/xmlrpc/processor"); // input data is an array whose length is a multiple of 4. // each document input has 4 fields, so document n can be found at // inputdata[(4*n) .. (4*n) + 3] // // all 4 fields are required and are: // [0]id, [1]url, [2]title, [3]excerpt // // the sample data contains 1 input document. array inputdata = ({"id0", "", "google", "the google search engine"}); array clusters = x["cluster.doCluster"]("test query", (["dcs.clusters.only":0]), ([]), inputdata)[0]; foreach(clusters;; mapping cl) write("%s (%d)n", cl->label, sizeof(cl->documents));